Developmental Update – the good, the bad and the cute

S has entered the stage of her development where she is getting super attached to her parents. It is both the best feeling and at times, a little concerning. The best part about it is that she most definitely, without a doubt, knows who her mom and dad is – this means her face lighting up when she spots you across the room; reaching, squirming, excited for you when you come near; big smiles and hugs when you come home from a long day – it’s truly the best feeling in the world. The bad part about it is that she most definitely, without a doubt, knows who her mom and dad is, and in return, who they are not. And if you are not, she will probably respond to you with a cry, especially if there’s a lot of people around. Lately, she has been suffering from major stranger danger. And although I know that most kids are affected by it and it is normal in a child’s development, it sometimes concerns me that this could be an indicator of her ability to socialize or her personality in the future. In short, I need to find my baby some friends!

S loves loves loves to sing. I will be singing her a song and the next thing you know, she’ll be singing along, then later, bust out the song on her own. I have a CD full of FOB songs that I constantly play for her in the car and one day, I heard her singing along to some parts of it. Granted, it took me a while to realize what she was singing because she cannot pronounce the words but after I realized it, I was pretty surprised that she could sing along! I try not to be this way, but today I have to be that parent that is sorta in awe of their kid, because it was kind of amazing! (Ok, maybe just to me.)

Here is a video of S singing her favorite song – not the best because of course the camera was on, and she doesn’t seem to be one of those babies that will perform on cue (no stage mom future for me)

One thought on “Developmental Update – the good, the bad and the cute

  1. Omg, amazing!! She is not even exactly one yet and she can pick out the tune! We’ve got musical genes going on here! Happy Bday, Yuna <3

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