A Drop of Golden Sun

S has always loved music from the very beginning.  It’s saved us from a car ride with a screaming baby more times than I can remember.  Her reaction to music is almost immediate – she can be wailing and the minute the music comes on, she stops.  And now she wants to listen to music all the time, anytime, anywhere – CDs in the car, theme songs on TV, videos on Youtube.  As a parent, this can get really old, especially when you’re at work and you find yourself singing a Korean song about three bears.  Luckily, her repertoire has been expanding from classical music, to children’s KPOP, to cartoon theme songs, to anything Elmo.  So now at least the children’s song  I realize I’m singing at work is in English.

Her latest obsession, after the husband showed her a youtube video, has been Doe a Deer from the classic – Sound of Music.  Now she sings it all the time, in fact for about 30 minutes non-stop the other night.  She made up her own little dance too.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, the vocals and choreography of S.J.


Note to self:  I really gotta remember to turn my phone horizontally when I film these.