I don’t like you and you will know it

I bought a photography package on Living Social a few months ago, thinking,  oh perfect – I can get a new family photo and some pictures for  S’ dohl and Christmas cards.  I had – not super high, but medium high hopes going into this, even though it was a discounted internet deal.  It wasn’t that I was blown away by this photographer.  But the last family photo shoot we had was for S’ newborn pictures.  I think she was like 1.5 months old.  And I was still bloated and fat.  And I don’t know why I didn’t put on more makeup.  I do NOT like how I look in those pictures AT ALL.  So really, anything would have been an upgrade.  Ok, I know it shouldn’t be all about me but I just wanted a picture I could put on the mantle and look at without cringing and thinking, why did think it was ok to eat ice cream everyday for 3 months while I was pregnant!

Despite my anticipation, the photo session did not go well.  It was, in fact, a big fail.  From the minute she laid eyes on the photographer, S decided that she was the most frightening sight she’d ever seen.  She refused to look at her and would start screaming every time the photographer came near! Kinda hard to take pictures of someone when they won’t look at you.  I think we probably got a bunch of shots of the back of her head though.  In the few instances when she would turn around, she had the scowl and/or tears on her face .  She did not like the photographer and we all knew it.  The poor photographer even asked, S, why don’t you like me?

What does one do when one’s child makes it so painfully obvious that they do not like someone?  Well, if you are me, you chuckle awkwardly and apologize repeatedly.  Well, I guess the photographer felt bad also because she offered to give us a short mini session just to get some pictures of S by herself.  We immediately, gratefully accepted, thinking, ok, next week we’ll make sure she gets a good nap in, eats, and will be in a great mood.  Nope.  The mini session was yesterday and it was just as bad, if not worse.  Double FAIL.

At least the husband had a good backup plan.  We allowed the scary photographer to leave without getting any solo shots of S because it was just not gonna happen.  We hung out for a bit so she could get better acclimated and then we went all amateur style and busted out our own camera and tried to take some photos.  Yes, as you can see I was very determined to get these photos.  We even did a wardrobe change.  She wasn’t in the best mood, but at least some turned out ok.  Oh yea, we also coaxed her with snacks.

So any tips?  On how to some good photos when there’s a cranky baby involved?


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