Needed Inspiration

Isn’t it funny how we can be inspired in the most unlikely ways?

I didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions this year that was anything along the lines of “work out more” or “eat healthier” or “lose 15 pounds.” Although losing the last 10 of my baby weight has really taken a nose dive off the priority list these last few months, so maybe I should have. But I told myself I didn’t want do the same old status quo of making these diet/workout/lose weight resolutions that just end up fizzling out by spring.

But oh, the persuasive powers of social media. It’s funny because prior to this week, I was seriously considering un-friending these pages or at the very least, removing their updates from my news feed. Don’t get me wrong, its not that I don’t like these people, I do. Otherwise I wouldn’t have friended them in the first place. But their online photos can just be too much at times – like when they constantly post pictures of their (temperature) hot, sweaty body while working out. Or instagram themselves to get the best lighting to show off their tanned, oiled up and flexed muscles. Or posed swim suit shots saying how happy they are to be so “hot.” It’s just too much. Don’t these people know there are only 4 socially acceptable things to post photos of and that’s places/events, pets, food or babies? No one’s eyes should be subjected to the sight of someone’s oiled up and flexing body, unless you are judging a body building contest and I most surely am not.

But after the necessary eye roll and mental “UGH,” I started thinking. Maybe instead of hating on these greasy, flexing bodies, I should aspire to be one. Maybe it could be my sweat and heat fogging up a camera. Maybe it could be me looking like I’m in desperate need of a shower or just got out of one. And it could be me in my bikini talking about how much happiness my hotness brings me. I was inspired!

Ok, not really. I only sort of thought those things but what I thought more about was why not make a resolution to exercise more even if its the same thing I’ve done every year? Why not try to prioritize losing the last 10 and eating better? I’m still me and if I won’t try to make it a priority, who will? Sure, maybe it will fade away in 3 months, but if anything, that will be 3 months of being healthier. And who knows? Maybe this will be the year that it sticks, the year it goes from resolution to lifestyle. But I won’t know if I don’t try.

And that is how I was inspired to make a New Year’s Resolution on January 9th to lose the last 10. And sharing it with the 5 people that read this blog makes it official and accountable! So bring on the diet and exercise!

5 thoughts on “Needed Inspiration

  1. i actually have maybe one or two people on FB who posts those rid pics.. im thinking about defriending them. I’m glad you’re making it a inspiration-thing. Please don’t post sweaty pics. I’ll just meet you up for lunch, a heathy lunch, post workout.

  2. you’re so funny. and btw, you look fantastic! i don’t know where those 10 lbs are but i’m sure they will be gone in no time. i can’t wait to see you!

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